SmartCrawl Pro Free Download v3.11 WP Plugin

With the help of the robust WordPress plugin SmartCrawl Pro, you may improve your website’s search engine optimization and Google ranking. It offers a selection of expert SEO tools that simplify the management and monitoring of your SEO campaigns. You can manage your keywords, monitor your search engine rankings, evaluate your competition, and optimize the content of your website with SmartCrawl Pro.

SmartCrawl Pro Free Download WP Plugin

Key Features of SmartCrawl Pro WP Plugin

  • SEO inspections & Reports: To make your website more social media and search engine friendly, conduct integrated Google Lighthouse audits and perform inspections.
  • Titles & Meta Descriptions: Use over forty macros to alter the way your meta titles and meta descriptions appear on search results pages.
  • Utilize Social Media: Connect your social media networks to enhance search engine rankings when people share your material, and use OpenGraph to personalize the appearance of your social media posts.
  • Automated Sitemap Update: When you add new pages, articles, post kinds, or taxonomies, your sitemap is automatically updated and submitted to search engines.
  • Site Scans & Reports: Perform a crawl of your website to see how your sitemap is doing and to find any URL problems that might be affecting your search engine results.
  • Complete Schema Support: SmartCrawl makes it simple to enable search engines to interpret your data by providing full support for default schema types.
  • Comprehensive material Analysis: To increase the likelihood that your material will rank highly and be easy to read, use SmartCrawl’s SEO and readability analysis.
  • Automated Linking: Set up SmartCrawl to link specific keywords to an external website or a page on your blog automatically.
  • Simple 301 Redirects: To maintain traffic flowing to updated pages, automatically reroute traffic from one URL to another.
  • Easy Import/Export: Easily create your perfect SEO configuration by importing or exporting your personalized SmartCrawl SEO settings.
  • Integrate with Moz: Link your Moz reports to your website and assess how it ranks and links in relation to competitors.

Changelog in SmartCrawl Pro

July 9, 2024 – v3.10.9
Enhance: Security improvements.

Free Download SmartCrawl Pro Latest Version

Old version | v3.10.9 =[zeyrishop].zip/file

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